Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

(Gay Movie) Das Flüstern des Mondes, Whispering Moon (2006)

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A Film by Michael Satzinger

Cast: Franz Robert Ceeh, Mischa Fernbach, Dominik Hartel, Margot Hruby, Rochus Millauer, Fabian Rudisser, Julia Schwarz, Julian Stampfer, Liane Wagner

A pair of young techno rebels living in the not-so-distant future, a world of conspiracy theories and paranoia, are the focus in this blend of traditional film, digital video, computer graphics and animation. Whispering Moon defies description as writer/director Michael Satzinger displays a wild, inventive story of hoaxes, exposes, young love, and poisonous tree frogs. It's original and wildly creative. There is some ultra-hot full-frontal nudity. The two lead actors look gorgeous together. Full Summary
Country: Austria
Year: 2006Genre: Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi
Language: German
Location: Austria
Runtime: 97 min
Subtitles: English (hardcoded***), Spanish

LINKS : 6 Parts

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